Thursday, April 19, 2012


It's official. 

This blog is now at 100 posts!

Image from

Believe it or not, Isaac was the original mastermind behind this blog and the momentum that got it started. Camber gave only occasional cameo appearances. 

Writing initially reminded her of college. Ugh.

Then life happened, things got busy, and Isaac decided to take a hiatus from blogging. 

And Camber hated to see a good thing die

I never thought I would grow to enjoy writing or blogging. It turns out blogging is different than  analyzing Charles Darwin or writing 10 pages about preventing falls in the hospital. Riveting as those papers were to read, I managed to write them only after a few all-nighters and a Costco-sized bin of chocolate-covered raisins (thanks, Sarah).

It took me a few years out of college to recover (both emotionally and from the ensuing chocolate buzz) but here I am writing without compulsion. And liking it. Thanks for reading.

For fun, I'm including some links to some of our favorite posts from the olden days that you may not have seen. You'll see that Isaac's hiatus is a true tragedy for us all.

Our Favorites:

Laughing Gas by Isaac

Automatic lights and Hotels (poems by Isaac)

1 comment:

  1. Your blog always makes me smile. I'm glad you've kept it up! xoxo
